Sunday, May 8, 2011

Updated Office: Almost Complete!

So we I have been working on the office the past few weeks because it was a DUMP.  We put everything in there that we didn't know what to do with.  Let's take a look at the BEFORE, shall we?

Awful, cluttered BEFORE:

And now......for the GLORIOUS almost-AFTER!!! (can you hear singing??  I hear singing...)

 (Do you notice Emmett checking out Austin Powers?) :)

It's SO MUCH CLEANER!!  I love love love it!  Emmett was helping me take the pictures.  He has not put that yellow stick down in the last 4 days, by the way.  Anyway, what's left to do is hang my diploma.  That's going to be a while, though, because when I went to hang it today, I found SPOTS on the INSIDE of the glass.  And since Michael's is the place that framed it, they should be the ones to remove the spots, as they are sealed inside.

So there's the office, almost done.  There's really no good place in there to put the elliptical machine, so I tried to hide it behind the shelf.  We'll see if it actually is usable back there.

1 comment:

  1. IT LOOKS AWESOME!!!!! I can't wait to see it in person! Oh my lord it looks fantastic!!! Henry keeps bringing us stuff, like his brother's toys as to say "Here, I think you need this." I totally get the yellow stick thing. It's just his stick of power. I also <3 the curtains!!!
