Friday, May 13, 2011


Have you heard?  It's the IN thing! :)  I have been watching that Extreme Couponing show, and those people are incredible.  Ignore the hoarding part, but you have to admit they have dedication and drive.  I have been inspired to try this on a teeny tiny scale of my own, and it's been pretty productive.  Granted, I overbought on toothpaste this week, but when it's $0.67 per tube instead of the regular $3.99 or $4.99, why not get a few extra??  Now I'm not talking 100 extra, but 4 extra is okay, I think.

My CVS shopping trip tonight included:
2 bottles of soft scrub (reg. price: $3.99 each, I paid $0.49 each)
2 tubes of mascara (reg. price: about $17 for both, I paid $5)
3 boxes of cereal (reg. price: $4.19 a box, I paid $1.67 per box)
3 tubes of toothpaste (reg. price: $4.99/$3.99 each, I paid $0.67 each for 2 and $1.67 for one)

Regular price would have been around $50, and I paid about $13.  Not too bad!! :)  It really does take just a little bit of looking to find the good deals, and there are websites GALORE to help you out.  The one Jessica recommended to me and that I've found the most helpful is  She tells you where to find the coupons, where the great deals are, etc.  It really does change the way you shop.  I am hoping overall we'll see some savings in our grocery bill this year.  Since Greg keeps tons of spreadsheets on such things, perhaps I'll be able to accurately determine how much we've saved this year.  Someone please stop me if I start hoarding! :)


  1. That's so awesome!!!! i am going to start blogging my finds. It's just so much fun to go in and see the bill before coupons and then after coupons. There is really no reason to EVER buy anything full price...EVER. You did a good job lady! We should compare binders sometime. You know, like men compare their you-know-whats :)

  2. That's so exciting! Job well done, Laurel! :)
