Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Events of the Past Two Months (well, 1.5)

It's been a loooong time since I've posted on my blog.  Sorry to the three people who read this.  :)  Let's just recap what's been happening...

We went to pumpkin patch pumpkins actually growing on the vine, but placed out in the field.  It's okay, it still looked pretty.

We also took the annual trip to Carter Mountain with the Starkeys and had a great time!

And our most recent development...
Well, not really most RECENT, but probably the most substantial.  :)  I'm about 12.5 weeks along, and I got to hear the heartbeat today.  It's hard to believe that when I went in about 3 weeks ago, all we saw was the little blob with nubs for arms and legs.  Today we got a beautiful baby profile, complete with "regular-sized" arms and legs moving and hiccups.  :)  The whole process is simply fascinating to me.  I can't wait to meet this little person!! :)


  1. I don't see my last post so if I post twice oh well...I am so excited for you, I am so happy the some of our favorite people in this world are having more beautiful babies. We love you.

  2. EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!! I'm so excited for you guys!!!!! :):):) CONGRATULATIONS!!!

    (and the licking of the pumpkin?? HI-larious!)
